Why Cranky Rants?

First, I am in a business where I have to interact with customers. It turns out, I’m not really great at customer service, at least not if I have to keep helping the same people do the same thing over and over. I would like people to learn how to help themselves first.

Second, I am a customer, and sometimes businesses do things that annoy or frustrate me.  I don’t like taking out my frustration on people in customer service, because I know it’s not THEY who caused the problem in the first place. I want businesses to learn how to provide better service so that their employees on the front lines aren’t subject to so much abuse.

So this blog really has several objectives:

  • To vent my frustration so I don’t take it out on my customers;
  • To vent my frustration so I don’t take it out on someone’s employee;
  • To enable others to vent their frustration vicariously through me;
  • To be a rallying point for potential improvements in products, processes, and the way we treat each other.

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